Final Remarks-Dan Burg

I was very excited to be enrolled in this course as this was the first real hands on class for my media com major. Towards the beginning of the semester, the class felt a little slow which is understandable since we needed to learn new vocab to make sure we could do our best work on our projects. Some of the readings were a little lengthy, but again understandable as I didn’t know everything there is to know about doc field work and archival work. I really loved the archival work. It was therapeutic for me, once getting into the routine of dating and labeling in the spreadsheet. Also, it was cool to see how the programs have progressed over time. I also really enjoyed the field trips. I felt like a complete stranger to the Allentown Band at first but once we did our oral histories and I got to film the band up close and personally at a rehearsal, I felt part of the band family. The short reflections were helpful so we could touch base with you on how we felt on our assignments. There were some classes where I felt it was difficult to figure out who would be doing what, but once Haley showed us the one website, all of these light bulbs went off and it was off to work we went! This was a class I really enjoyed. I learned a lot and now have skills to use in future classes and in life. The biggest lesson I learned is that everything works out in the end.

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